Monday, November 16, 2009
One Heartland S'mores to Love Cocktail Benefit Was a Success!!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009

Actually, autumn is a lovely time of year to get married and, originally, the time I wanted for my own wedding. You can’t beat fall foliage for gorgeous images in your wedding album!
The changing landscape offers rich hues of green, gold, burgundy,and persimmon.Absolutely love the intense Fall inspiration these images by photographer Geoff White (
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fall in Love: Getting Ready for a Fall Wedding
But lately, plenty of brides have come to see the charms of a September or October wedding, with all its New England splendor.
After all, the colors are rich and the scents and spices are vibrant. The best part of it is: You can buy dramatic fall decorations cheaply at any one of a hundred farmers markets along the road. Perhaps for all these reasons, autumn is now one of the year's most popular times to tie the knot.
Check out: for some fun centerpiece ideas that I am sure you Fall brides will love.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Elegant Picholine
Picholine ( is high on elegance and sophistication...
You can have your engagement party, rehearsal dinner or small wedding here. This is the perfect location for your family and friends to get revved up for the big day.
Picholine understands and appreciates just how important a wedding day is to a bride. A perfect location for a rehearsal or small wedding, Picholine is located at 35 W. 64th Street in New York.
10-tips to lose weight
There's an alternative to dieting that does work. It's called The Caryl Ehrlich Program, and it is changing the way people view weight loss entirely. Instead of countless diets, The Program teaches participants one-on-one 10 behavioral steps to change habits of thought and word to lose weight and keep it off forever.
Here are 10-tips to lost weight for your honeymoon and keeping it off...
Ten behavioral tips for weight loss:
1. Before consuming any food ask:
a) Am I hungry or what? (Am I lonely, tired, bored, frustrated, sleepy or grumpy?)
b) Am I hungry enough to put food on a plate and eat it with a knife and fork?
c) Am I hungry enough to create a relaxing meal lasting 20 minutes or more?
2. If hungry, choose to create a relaxing, pleasant meal, lasting 20 minutes or more with food on a plate to be eaten with utensils (not fingers), and write details in your logbook.
3. When having a platter of food, order what you like but eat slowly and thoughtfully taking little bites of food interspersed with sips of water and conversation.
4. Put utensils down between bites of food. Do not insert more food into mouth before mouth is empty.
5. If you find you’re leaving more and more food on your plate, next time order less, buy less, prepare less, and serve less because you are less.
6. Drink eight to 10 glasses of water each day.
7. Keep a log of all food consumed: Day, date, morning weight, and what you ate. If it’s not water, it’s food. Write it down.
8. If you’re not hungry but thinking of food, create new coping strategies of thought, word, and action, to replace your old habit of using food to distract yourself from feelings and thoughts you don’t want to feel or think.
9. No matter what you thought you should have done, could have done, didn’t do or wanted to do, you’re only human. Get back on your weight loss path at the very next meal and figure out what just happened that caused you to go off your path, you who want to weigh _____ pounds.
10. Never stop trying.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Having a beautiful wedding without breaking the bank
You can have elegant, beautiful weddings without breaking the bank.
A cheap wedding doesn’t mean giving up style or sentimentality. It means using your imagination, using your own hands or the help of friends and family and of course your bridesmaids (that is what they are for).
For The Perfect Day! will help you have a budget wedding that will be the event of the season.
Planning cheap weddings can still mean you have your dream wedding, but with cash left over.
1. For one trim down your wedding list. Sit down with your fiance and make an A, B and C list. A are people are your closets friends and family, B would be co-workers, friends that you don't see as much as you would like and C would be acquaintances, etc. Send out the invites for list A first then once you get responses move onto the next.
2. Save printing costs and postage on your wedding invitaitons. Try making your own invitations (Michaels Craft Store, Martha Stewart, Staples and Target all of kits). If you do get invites printed up forgo the inner envelope and blotter paper. Rather than having a reply card, ask guests to reply online or by the telephone.
3. Shop sample sales (i.e. Vera Wang sample sale in NYC Pennsylvania Hotel every Spring) for an affordable wedding dress
4. Have your wedding on a weekday (Thursday and Friday has great deals) or Sunday afternoon. There is less demand for these dates so vendors are more likely to give you a better rate.
5. Save money on decor by having silk flowers and a lot of candles for an inexpensive, but romantic setting
6. Get creative and make your favors, centerpieces your self.
7. Ebay...I absolutely love ebay. You can purchase flower girl baskets, ring bearer pillows etc.
So save money on your wedding...